A healthy life is important for your happiness and self-esteem and it can only be possible by staying physically and mentally fit. In order to stay physically fit it is important to have a proper diet, sufficient sleep, and to do moderate to vigorous exercise. If you stay healthy and physically fit there are lower chances of getting chronic diseases. Here are some tips for staying healthy. 

Regular Exercise:

 Regular exercise is one of the best tips that you can adopt to stay physically active and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. If you find it difficult to do exercise then you can start slowly, exercise for 10 minutes, and continue to increase your workout time.

There are many different types of exercises but choose one that is most appropriate for yourself with your age.

While choosing exercise make sure that:

  • It involves different parts of your body
  • It makes you happy and motivated so that you enjoy exercise.
  • Exercise safely to prevent injuries
  • Set realistic goals and reward yourself

You can choose

Aerobic exercise: swimming, jogging, biking, brisk walking

Weight Lifting: or can use a resistance band to make your muscles strong

Stretching: you can do yoga to make your body flexible

Sufficient Sleep:

Exercise alone does not help you stay healthy until you sleep to recover and conserve you lost energy. When you sleep your body produces growth hormones that help build and repair lean muscles. A sufficient sleep of 8 hours a day makes you feel relaxed and your body and mind can function in a much better way.

Tips for Sleep:

  • set your sleeping hours
  • don’t eat too much or hungry before sleeping
  • Include before midnight hours in your sleeping time.
  • Sleep in a comfortable place ( dark, quiet and cool air)

Proper Diet:

The key to a healthy diet is to eat as much as you can consume. Here are some tips for a healthy diet;

  • Cut off sugar and Carbonate beverages
  • Reduce salt intake
  • Increase fibers in your diet
  • Eat dry fruits or nuts
  • Avoid fast food or processed food
  • Drink coffee
  • Keep your Gut healthy with probiotics(yogurt) and fibers (fruits and vegetables)
  • Drink enough water (3.7 liters per day) especially before a meal

Eat fish and don’t overcook the meat.

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